MEU!!!!! Achei uma marca que tem o nome TAT....( achei não, eles me adicionaram no twitter)
uó? (pq tem umas paradas bem ...)-
Esta marca é de Trinidad And Tobaco, na Venesuela.
( isso foi legal) tipo isso:
calamitat -a serious faux-pas. growing a beard for instance.
catatstrophe- when something goes tats up. c/f thwartat and disappointat.
celebtat -famous tats.
certifitate- of authenticitat the qualifictation awarded to all tats once verifictation of the salient points of tat (trinidad, tobagos, no barbados) have been substantiatated.
cholestatrol -by-product of eating pork scrtatchings. not good for you, can lead to fat-a-tat-tats though so it isn't the end of the world.
clarifictation -what is required to get certifictation of a tat.
communitat- a well intatgratat societat where tats can live as one. give tats a chance.
e por ai vai...
para mais palavras:
Tem o TATSTORE também ....
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